The following simulations are described in my manuscript "A periodic diagram of the genetic code and a pendulum evolutionary law: towards a designer of code expanding".


Input parameters are loaded from settings.txt every time my program tRNALab is launched. They are also listed at the end of each output file. #class means the prescribed number of classificatory groups. All input parameters in capitals are Boolean. (The last section of settings.txt, entitled by a-check-of-included-positions, is updated after each start of tRNALab in dependence on the previous parameters.)

Two compilations of tRNA genes were examined for control: 1) the Leipzig database and 2) the database by USCS.

Any presence of classifications 1) XMITNKRF, 2) HQE, 3) DAV, 4) LSYCUW, 5) G, and 6) P (Eq. 2) for #class = 6 or 1) XMITNKRF, 2) QE, 3) DAV, 4) HLSU, 5) YWC, 6) G, and 7) P (Eq. 4) for #class = 7 is indicated by + on this page and in output listings.

Any presence of classifications 1) XMITNKR, 2) HQE, 3) DAV, 4) FLSYCUW, 5) G, and 6) P (Eq. 3a) for #class = 6 or 1) XMITNKR, 2) HQE, 3) DAV, 4) LSU, 5) FYCW, 6) G, and 7) P (Eq. 5a) for #class = 7 is indicated by ++ on this page and in output listings.


Functions: f0 = FindLUCA, f1 = FindScores, f2 = FindNonStartAAs, f3= FindNonGlobAAs, f4= GlobOptimizeGroups, and f5 = CompleteTestData.


The Leipzig database of tRNA genes:

Non-standard assignments = 0 (false) (NS0):

There are 37 tRNA genes with non-standard assignments in the Leipzig database, e.g., 14 tRNA genes of Ile are assigned to a codon AUG. These 37 tRNA genes are ignored in the following experiments.

Data = abe_L_dataD


Non-standard assignments = 1 (true) (NS1):

There are 37 tRNA genes with non-standard assignments in the Leipzig database, e.g., 14 tRNA genes of Ile are assigned to a codon AUG. They are treated as if they were assigned to a codon AUU in the following experiments. The rest of the non-standard assignments are treated analogically.

Data = abe_L_dataD


The database of tRNA genes by UCSC:

Please, keep in mind that this database contains no tRNA genes of rare selenocysteine (SecU).

Non-standard assignments = 0 (false) (NS0):

Data = abe_C_dataD

Although there are 1271 tRNA genes with non-standard assignments in the database by UCSC provided that score 67, they are all assigned to Ile and do not significantly change results of our simulations. Therefore, we do not list them among the main simulations.
